This Heated Season We Didn't Want!
By Joel Wishengrad
Copywright: World Media Reports - WMR News
Joel Wishengrad is a Senior Correspondent following both National Politics and US Foreign Policy. Over seven years he has developed 80,000 hours of audio podcasts in Washington, DC (3-8 minute interviews). Mr. Wishengrad began on the US Supreme Court steps in 2000 covering the intense debate following the November 7th Election. He interviewed many politicians, political operatives, pundits and various vocal demonstrators with 1,700 hours of audio podcasts.
Since, September 2001, he has raised numerous questions at US Department of State (State Department) press briefings and at DC area think-tanks: He was the first to ask about Darfur, Flushing the Koran down a toilet at Guantanamo, A.Q. Kahn, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Middle-East: Israel, Palestinian, Syrian, Iraq, Iranian and Dubai Ports World and Immigration questions. E-mail:
Whether it is the Republicans, the Democrats or the Green Party insisting they are right or even Lyndon LaRouche with his economic and political gloom that he forecasts. This is one hell of a quagmire with Iraq and Afghanistan. 9/11 just didn't single out one political group or party. To say that either side was at fault or continues to be at fault is cutting at the fabric of our nation.
The Republicans can't find a candidate who is conservative enough, Christian enough or tough enough. The Democrats are equally caught in a circle of blame! Who among them was the first to question the Iraq War? Senator Obama or Ex-Senator Gravel?
Recently, Newt Gingrich called all the Republican candidates pygmies and severely scolded all of them. Hillary and Obama are in a squabble with Bill Clinton coming to the rescue. This is fierce and perhaps ill-advised. David Horowitz in his book "The Shadow Party" describes the Democrats as more interested in getting elected one more time than protecting Americans. George Soros (Democrats) has financed and created progressive 527 PAC groups. This replaced the union’s clout in 2000.
The new 110th Congress has tried with its new majority to force The Bush Administration into a corner. The Democrats are necessarily afraid to impeach both Vice President Cheney and President Bush. We had months of the Libby trial with President Bush pardoning his political operative of jail time.
The Green Party with no where to go has injected itself into the fray by protesting 'The War' through Answer Coalition and Code Pink Women's antics, parades and rallies. The Code Pink Women were a class act at the Anti-War Protest. They drew disdain by and Gathering of Eagles supporters lining the street at 7th - 10th along Pennsylvania Avenue, NW during the Answer Coalition March toward the US Capitol on September 15, 2007.
Green Party activist Cindy Sheehan, lost her son Casey in the Iraq War. Ms Sheehan will run against Nancy Pelosi for her California US House seat.
On the Republican side, former US Senator Fred Thompson entered the race. He announced his campaign on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. He skipped the early Republican debates. Why do actor/celebrities make good candidates? What makes this such a heated race thus far is politics, religion, frustration and those wanting to create a Republican legacy but without the GW Bush baggage.... Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur, Katrina, Minnesota bridges and Utah mining accidents.
The Democrats are still tied to the medical and labor issues which they tried to remedy the last decade. This 110th Congress has been called dismal. Hillary, Obama and Edwards are running on similar domestic agendas.
These last debates showcase the front runners. Whether it’s Rudy with three wives and his grown children, Mitt Romney playing down Mormon ties, The Republicans are trying to hold their candidates to a specific platform. Does John McCain fit that platform (once a maverick, always a maverick)?
The Democrats attended a Chicago Daily Kos Conference (less Senator Biden). This liberal group has been branded by the Republicans as soft on their arch enemies. Republican candidates addressed the National Rifle Association Conference in Washington, DC. Only one Democratic hopeful spoke, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson (D). The Democrats addressed instead a AARP conference citing needed reforms in retirement, social security and healthcare as their agenda.
The reasoning in front loading the primaries to early January would allow both Republicans and Democrats to have their candidates and then concentrate on the Independents. Karl Rove now can devote his time to the Election Campaign! There has been corruption, sleaze, gay issues, and other rogue events. Hsu, DeLay, Cunningham, Abramoff, Jefferson, Foley, Stevens and Craig just to mention a few. Mr. Hsu was the latest to be placed under arrest for an estimated $850,000.00 campaign ponzi scheme aiding the Democrats.
To most voters, The War, Immigration, Domestic and Mortgage issues are on their minds. We will know the outcome with the two party leading candidates early next year, and certainly by February 6, 2008. We do know the campaign themes... more Republican conservatism and more Democratic liberal progressiveness.
Will Grover Northquist (Republicans) have the clout or will George Soros (Democrat)? What will be the issues that influence the campaign? Will the voters watch or listen to the TV-Radio talk shows? Will they even care? Will the Red and Blue States still keep their conservative and liberal bases? Who will be the operatives, who will be the decision makers? Former presidential candidate Michael Dukaksis warns that he is not optimistic for the Democrats for 2008.
Will the negative news of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan keep everyone glued to the political races or the domestic economy with the housing slump? Will immigration issues matter?
Have the television debates helped or hurt the candidates? The Republicans and Democrats have responded to their constituents: The Republicans act conservative.... The Democrats act liberal (now called progressive). Just this week, Newt Gringrich responded in a rather terse and vocal way that he sees the Democrats as weak, liberal and very wrong to pick apart the Republican Agenda. Remember, Newt Gringrich laid out a very conservative right-wing Contract for America.... many call this the Contract on America! On September 29, 2007, Newt Gingrich declined to run in the 2008 presidential race. Does Newt fear a Hillary victory in 2008? What would be Newt's chances for 2012?
Meanwhile, what are the Democrats saying.... get out of Iraq (our troops are in the middle of a civil war). There may be a Republican softening as well? Republican US Senator John Warner (VA) expressed his misgivings on Iraq on the Sunday TV talk show circuit.
Rudy, Romney and the rest of the Republican candidates are all calling for restraint. Perhaps the "Surge" is working. Just in time for Congress to return after their summer recess. US General, David Petraeus (Iraq Commander) issued his report to the Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees on September 10th. Just a day before the sixth anniversary of 9/11.
Answer protested the Iraq War in Washington, DC on September 15, 2007 drawing some 10,000 participants with strident left-wing speeches (The Green Party).
The instant flack over's anti-war New York Times ad ... and Rudy's similar reply expresses the polarization to be seen during the 2008 Presidential Campaign... over Iraq! Newsweek questions whether Hillary is a decider too!? Hillary made the rounds of the Sunday talk shows. New criticism arises concerning media manipulation of CQ Magazine by the Clinton election committee.
September was a funny month here in Washington, DC. The lobby groups begin their intense efforts to influence and direct Congress. Activist groups too have brought two FEMA trailers from Katrina to Washington, DC. The trailers have proven to be hazardous for the hundreds families living in them. Katrina began with Michael Brown and may end with US Rep. Henry Waxman’s (D-CA) Congressional Committee on Government Oversight. There have already been three competing Climate Change Policy Forums. One in NYC, with Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Two in Washington, DC at the US Department of State (State Department) with President Bush and the other at the DC's Convention Center, October 6-7, 2007 (Green Party). Pin the blame and offer solutions!
President GW Bush just vetoed an S-Chip Program on October 3, 2007. This outrages the unions and the left-wing and centered Democrats. Why is $30 Billion for heath care for youngsters any different than $200 Billion for Iraq and Afghanistan? Is the Bush Administration that callous?
The Democrats now control the US House of Representatives with many hearings and investigations scheduled for this fall term. The Democrats hold a one vote margin in the US Senate. The mixture of domestic stress and foreign policy wars together creates an interesting dynamic... a shakeup for Wall Street, K Street and uncertainty on Main Street.
Each of the debates has drawn an audience with little fanfare. The Republican debate had Rudy call Fred an actor! The Democratic debate had a squabble over domestic programs, their form and how much to spend. The foreign policy questions and answers over Iraq, Russia, Middle-East and Pakistan, Burma and China remain in play.
The new 110th Congress has tried with its new majority to force The Bush Administration into a corner. The Democrats are necessarily afraid to impeach both Vice President Cheney and President Bush. We had months of the Libby trial with President Bush pardoning his political operative of jail time.
The Green Party with no where to go has injected itself into the fray by protesting 'The War' through Answer Coalition and Code Pink Women's antics, parades and rallies. The Code Pink Women were a class act at the Anti-War Protest. They drew disdain by and Gathering of Eagles supporters lining the street at 7th - 10th along Pennsylvania Avenue, NW during the Answer Coalition March toward the US Capitol on September 15, 2007.
Green Party activist Cindy Sheehan, lost her son Casey in the Iraq War. Ms Sheehan will run against Nancy Pelosi for her California US House seat.
On the Republican side, former US Senator Fred Thompson entered the race. He announced his campaign on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. He skipped the early Republican debates. Why do actor/celebrities make good candidates? What makes this such a heated race thus far is politics, religion, frustration and those wanting to create a Republican legacy but without the GW Bush baggage.... Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur, Katrina, Minnesota bridges and Utah mining accidents.
The Democrats are still tied to the medical and labor issues which they tried to remedy the last decade. This 110th Congress has been called dismal. Hillary, Obama and Edwards are running on similar domestic agendas.
These last debates showcase the front runners. Whether it’s Rudy with three wives and his grown children, Mitt Romney playing down Mormon ties, The Republicans are trying to hold their candidates to a specific platform. Does John McCain fit that platform (once a maverick, always a maverick)?
The Democrats attended a Chicago Daily Kos Conference (less Senator Biden). This liberal group has been branded by the Republicans as soft on their arch enemies. Republican candidates addressed the National Rifle Association Conference in Washington, DC. Only one Democratic hopeful spoke, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson (D). The Democrats addressed instead a AARP conference citing needed reforms in retirement, social security and healthcare as their agenda.
The reasoning in front loading the primaries to early January would allow both Republicans and Democrats to have their candidates and then concentrate on the Independents. Karl Rove now can devote his time to the Election Campaign! There has been corruption, sleaze, gay issues, and other rogue events. Hsu, DeLay, Cunningham, Abramoff, Jefferson, Foley, Stevens and Craig just to mention a few. Mr. Hsu was the latest to be placed under arrest for an estimated $850,000.00 campaign ponzi scheme aiding the Democrats.
To most voters, The War, Immigration, Domestic and Mortgage issues are on their minds. We will know the outcome with the two party leading candidates early next year, and certainly by February 6, 2008. We do know the campaign themes... more Republican conservatism and more Democratic liberal progressiveness.
Will Grover Northquist (Republicans) have the clout or will George Soros (Democrat)? What will be the issues that influence the campaign? Will the voters watch or listen to the TV-Radio talk shows? Will they even care? Will the Red and Blue States still keep their conservative and liberal bases? Who will be the operatives, who will be the decision makers? Former presidential candidate Michael Dukaksis warns that he is not optimistic for the Democrats for 2008.
Will the negative news of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan keep everyone glued to the political races or the domestic economy with the housing slump? Will immigration issues matter?
Have the television debates helped or hurt the candidates? The Republicans and Democrats have responded to their constituents: The Republicans act conservative.... The Democrats act liberal (now called progressive). Just this week, Newt Gringrich responded in a rather terse and vocal way that he sees the Democrats as weak, liberal and very wrong to pick apart the Republican Agenda. Remember, Newt Gringrich laid out a very conservative right-wing Contract for America.... many call this the Contract on America! On September 29, 2007, Newt Gingrich declined to run in the 2008 presidential race. Does Newt fear a Hillary victory in 2008? What would be Newt's chances for 2012?
Meanwhile, what are the Democrats saying.... get out of Iraq (our troops are in the middle of a civil war). There may be a Republican softening as well? Republican US Senator John Warner (VA) expressed his misgivings on Iraq on the Sunday TV talk show circuit.
Rudy, Romney and the rest of the Republican candidates are all calling for restraint. Perhaps the "Surge" is working. Just in time for Congress to return after their summer recess. US General, David Petraeus (Iraq Commander) issued his report to the Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees on September 10th. Just a day before the sixth anniversary of 9/11.
Answer protested the Iraq War in Washington, DC on September 15, 2007 drawing some 10,000 participants with strident left-wing speeches (The Green Party).
The instant flack over's anti-war New York Times ad ... and Rudy's similar reply expresses the polarization to be seen during the 2008 Presidential Campaign... over Iraq! Newsweek questions whether Hillary is a decider too!? Hillary made the rounds of the Sunday talk shows. New criticism arises concerning media manipulation of CQ Magazine by the Clinton election committee.
September was a funny month here in Washington, DC. The lobby groups begin their intense efforts to influence and direct Congress. Activist groups too have brought two FEMA trailers from Katrina to Washington, DC. The trailers have proven to be hazardous for the hundreds families living in them. Katrina began with Michael Brown and may end with US Rep. Henry Waxman’s (D-CA) Congressional Committee on Government Oversight. There have already been three competing Climate Change Policy Forums. One in NYC, with Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Two in Washington, DC at the US Department of State (State Department) with President Bush and the other at the DC's Convention Center, October 6-7, 2007 (Green Party). Pin the blame and offer solutions!
President GW Bush just vetoed an S-Chip Program on October 3, 2007. This outrages the unions and the left-wing and centered Democrats. Why is $30 Billion for heath care for youngsters any different than $200 Billion for Iraq and Afghanistan? Is the Bush Administration that callous?
The Democrats now control the US House of Representatives with many hearings and investigations scheduled for this fall term. The Democrats hold a one vote margin in the US Senate. The mixture of domestic stress and foreign policy wars together creates an interesting dynamic... a shakeup for Wall Street, K Street and uncertainty on Main Street.
Each of the debates has drawn an audience with little fanfare. The Republican debate had Rudy call Fred an actor! The Democratic debate had a squabble over domestic programs, their form and how much to spend. The foreign policy questions and answers over Iraq, Russia, Middle-East and Pakistan, Burma and China remain in play.
Al Gore just won the Nobel Peace Prize for his Global Climate Change initiatives: movie, tv interviews and educational pursuits. Will he be drawn into the election fray and run again for President? Will the Republican right-wing say he just invented it, much like the Internet?
Keep your eyes and ears open... as you may not get the 2008 Presidential Campaign or Candidates you envisioned!
Keep your eyes and ears open... as you may not get the 2008 Presidential Campaign or Candidates you envisioned!
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